Posts tagged engagement
Do Your Employees Have a Stage and a Trumpet?

When times are hectic, many stressors can arise - stressors that diminish productivity. 

The stress of pressing deadlines and actually getting work done, amongst the requests from management for continuous progress updates, the requests for support on unrelated tasks, the frustrations with process inefficiencies, and the constant need to influence others to keep their commitments - so that you can keep your efforts on track too.   

To reduce these stresses, and improve productivity, anything that can be done to improve process and ease burdens on your employees can be beneficial.  But how to determine which problems cause the most frustration?  How to figure out where to start?  

By giving your employees a voice.

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The World Is Yours, so What Will You Do With It?

"The world is your oyster"

What a great saying - meaning you have the opportunity, the ability, the freedom, to do anything that you want, anything that you set your mind to.

But does this ring true for you? Maybe you don't believe you have that capability, because no one can really just do whatever they want - everyone has obligations to others that come first - right?

You might be thinking that you can't just drop everything else to do this. You need to be responsible, you need to maintain the basic necessities of life, and so on. 

But What If?

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Stakeholders or Clients?

When determining the requirements and the risks associated with your project, how do you regard and engage with each of the stakeholders you identify? How seriously are you treating the risks and concerns they raise?  I'd like to convince you that the way you think about and treat those stakeholders, and the value you place on their inputs, can have a significant impact on the outcomes of your project.

Don't just keep doing things the same way, step outside the box...

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